Good afternoon!
I didn´t post yesterday as I was somewhat tired in the evening when we got to the hotel after the round. We did not even go out afterwards, because, it was also cloudy and murky here. The weather has been great so far though. We stayed quiet talking to our friends on the internet and then I played some games on Playchess instead. Although I was lagging so badly I had no other choice than to stop and wait until the wifi got better at the hotel.
I drew with Mariam in a worse position, and I have now 2,5 out of 3. The game of the day probably was Roi Reinaldo vs. Maurici Tarrago, Roi was better the whole game and two pawns up (without any compensation) when I finished my game, and just when I arrived to the hotel, my manager informed me that Reinaldo lost on board 3. I was astonished and couldn´t believe that. Then I went directly to the live broadcasts page for the tournament to see what had happened. A tough blow!! He had missed a two-move (quite attractive, though) tactical stuff. I felt very sorry for Roi, I must admit...
Today is Guillem´s birthday. He is our friend and Sopiko&Keti&Mariam´s clubmate. They all play for a Catalonian Club called Peona i Peó. This summer he missed a chance to visit Georgia and he will make it next year hopefully, we do look forward to it. :) Happy Birthday, Guillem!
I am leaving, see you again soon.
Apocalypse now (?)
Hace 1 día
9 comentarios:
Ana, te dejo dos direcciones de YouTube en donde te presento a mi sobrinito Efraín García, pianista y compositor del cual alguna vez te hablé.
Excelentes las canciones de Il Divo que incluíste en el blog!
Y, por si no la conoces, escucha esta canción creada en esta ciudad y cantada por Silvina Garré, también de Rosario.
Como ves,estos no son los unicos ejemplos, hay muchísimos más de personalidades nacidas aquí.
Espero que si es nueva para tí, la disfrutes y, por qué no, la incluyas en tu IPod. Muaks.
Y, para finalizar, 2 canciones tambien creadas en Argentina, que son muy de mi agrado (es muy probable que las conozcas).
Como ves, hay mucho sentido poético por acá.
kargia Ana inglisurad rom daiwye wera. xandaxan gagvixare xolme guli. Rois partias mec vuyure da marTla guli damwyda. maSinve gamaxsenda Seni da Bruzonis partia BarberaSi magram ras vizamT, sportia da yvelaferi xdeba. dres samagierod se aire revanSi Rois guSindel metiqesTan. gilocav!
Happy Birthday, Guillem!
Hello, 2.5/3 is nice! keep up the good work. To be honest I disliked how some people you were playing against yesterday (on playchess) for claiming win on disconnect all the time.
Good luck with the coming games :)
joooo creo q tengo un problemillacreo q no puedo comentar :S a ver si aparece este comentario luego escribo valllle
Vallllle... ahi vamos.
hector: muy buenos los videos!
Y siiii, Il Divo es cojonudo!!! :P
deeee: hehehe, xo, inglisuradac davwer xolme amis mere ufro xSirad, ise gamjores, vinc espanuri ar viciT imaTac mogvxedeo, rom ukve wayrueba aRar SeiZleboda :)) rac Seexeba rois partias, marTla Cemi da bruzonis partias hgavda, ra Znelia, egeT partias ro waageb... :/ madloba!
~Ir0n~: Thanks! As for claiming wins&disconnecting, I find it quite normal, one cannot stay and wait for you being back again for ever sometimes :) The problem is the lag mostly... although sometimes people disconnect when they are losing, you are right, and this is very bad. Anyway.
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