Today he is facing another Chinese prodigy, the 14-year-old baby girl Hou Yifan, whos elo is 2557 and belongs to the large group of "4-pointers". The games are being very exciting, watching strongly recommended!
As for what is new here in La Pobla, everything is well and under control. :) Yesterday I won again, so did Mariam and Sopiko. GM Azer Mirzoev is leading with 5, Mariam and I have 4,5. Sopiko is staying on 4 since she lost a very well played game against GM Movsziszian the day before yesterday.
Today I am playing Mr. Mirzoev on board 1 with white, Mariam is against Movsziszian, and Sopiko against my yesterday´s opponent.
Yesterday some friends came from Barcelona to support us. It was great to see them again. Everything is quiet otherwise. We behave, eat healthy, and sleep well. LOL :-))) I am not sure you should believe the first and the third point though... But the fact, that I have not been to the pub since I am here, should count I think. Somehow I am lazy to stay up too late.
Tomorrow there will be a simultaneous exhibition in front of the hotel, offered by Mariam and Sopiko. Many look forward to it.
Have a nice day all.